Tuesday, December 21, 2010


Fort Lauderdale, FL - Well, Karla and kids finally made it down to FL to meet Sebastian where he has been for the last 10 days working on the boat.  We have officially moved to the Begonia!  Needless to say, packing up the house and closing up shop back in Evanston was stressful to say the least.  Last minute change of plans:  Martha, our dog, is now on her way down to FL to be with us for a few days before she takes off with our friend Eduardo to Argentina for the year.... instead of staying back in the States as we originally planned.  We can't believe the journey is officially starting... today we spent organizing the boat and getting everything in its place as it makes all the difference in the world to have things organized.  I think we'll still have a few more days of organizing... The highlight of the day was seeing a pair of manatees come up to our boat to welcome us!  We will most likely stay in Ft. Lauderdale for Christmas until we can provision and wait for the dog to arrive.  Thanks to Rolando for driving Martha down from Chicago to Orlando where Sebastian will go and pick her up.  Yesterday we received a delivery of 20 boxws full of books from an organization called "Seven Seas" which donates books to primary schools in Bahamas.  We will make our delivery to Georgetown in the Exumas (Bahamas) ... it feels good to "give back."  I promised Sofia that tomorrow we will go get a small Chrsitmas tree and decorations.  She had a very serious talk with Santa when we saw him a week ago and wanted to make sure he would find us on the Begonia.  She said, "Now, are you sure?  The boat does not have a chimney..."  He replied, "yes, but I have a GPS and I know where you'll be... don't you worry!"

Fort Lauderdale. Por fin Karla  y los chicos llegaron a Florida despues de una maraton para cerrar nuestras ultimas cosas en casa despues de 10 dias que Sebastian, Eduardo e Ivan pasaron trabajando en el barco en el Lauderdale Marine Center.
Cambio de planes de ultimo momento, nuestra perra Marta no se va a quedar en Evanston. la persona que la iba a cuidar cambio de idea dos dias antes del vuelo de Karla hacia Florida. Despues de mucho traspirar conseguimos que Rolando (un amigazo) la traiga a Florida manejando donde se quedara con nosotros hasta que sea tiempo de irse a Argentina con Eduardo.
Hoy fue un lindo dia, trabajamos bastante en el barco nuevamente. Cambiamos las luces de navegacion a LED, con lo cual ahorraremos bastante energia.
Maniana iremos en busca de un arbolito de navidad y algunas luces para decorar al Begonia. Nos quedaremos en Florida hasta el fin de anio cuando empezaremos nuestro viaje oficialmente.
Ayer por maniana nos trajeron 20 cajas de libros para escuelas de Bahamas de la organizacion "Seven Seas" al cual ofrecimos nuestra ayuda de transportar hasta la ciudad de Georgetown en Exumas.
La nueva adquisicion del dinghy es todo un exito y lo disfrutamos mucho hoy con los chicos visitando los canales aca en Fort Lauderdale. Hoy tuvimos la visita de una pareja de manatees que se quedaron alrededor del barco por un largo rato, que animal tan distinto y curioso!
Los mantendremos informados. Hasta la proxima!

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